The best pintxos for the appetizer
Pintxos are one of the most famous appetizers in the world. And that is why, every year, thousands of people come to the Cantabrian coast to try this delicacy.
These little bites have a very positive point for those who try them, because it doesn’t matter if you don’t like certain ingredients because you will always find a pintxo with what you really like.
Nowadays there is an infinite variety of them, so there will always be a pintxo you cannot resist. But the good thing about them is that you can always try new ones, because bars are constantly innovating and like to surprise you with new flavours.
But which are the best pintxos?
This is a very difficult answer to give, since depending on the flavours or combinations you like, you will choose one or the other.
However, what is clear is that the quality of the pintxos is excellent. And, that’s where the magic of these appetizers lies.
The variety of these little bites is infinite, but from Caprice we are going to recommend three pintxos with a lot of flavour that can be made at home to surprise family and/or friends.
The first one is a pintxo of tuna with onions and olives. Preparing this appetizer is easier than it seems. The first thing we have to do is take a block of White Tuna from the Basque Country and place it on a stick. Then, cut a pimiento alegría into thin strips and place one in a row with the tuna. Finally, cut an onion into segments and place a piece of this ingredient on the pintxo. The final touch will be a splash of oil.
The second pintxo is very simple to make and has as its main ingredient the Basque Cantabrian Anchovy. Place a piece of melted Brie cheese at the base of a slice of toasted bread and finish with an antxoa on top. The mixture of these two flavours in the mouth is special.
And, thirdly, comes the pintxo of Txakoli with D.O. On a white plate we present some whole mushrooms cooked in the Txakoli, and inside we introduce a mixture made of chopped Serrano ham and cooked vegetables. If you want to go further, you can add grated cheese on top of the mushroom and put it in the oven for 5 minutes to grill it.
Do you know any other recipe for pintxos? Tell us about it.